Crag News

GEMIPLANT: a successful project to bring genomics closer to the primary sector

  • The GEMIPLANT project has carried out several interactive activities, including 4 dialogue tables and 2 training days, to transfer knowledge on genomics in the Catalan agricultural sector.
  • During the technical conference held on 6 June at CRAG, several farmers and other professionals from the primary sector were able to see at first hand the leading research carried out in plant genomics.
  • The fourth and last phase of the project includes the publication of two informative videos explaining the use of genomics in agriculture, available on IRTA and CRAG channels for dissemination and education.

The GEMIPLANT demonstration project, a pioneering initiative for the transfer of knowledge on genomics to the Catalan agricultural sector, has successfully completed its last PATT technical workshop at the Centre de Recerca Agrigenòmica (CRAG). Last Thursday, 6 June, marked the end of the interactive phases of the project, which included 4 dialogue tables in Girona, Lleida, Tarragona and Barcelona and two PATT training days in Lleida and Tarragona. This project has been carried out by a research team from the Institute of Agri-Food Research and Technology (IRTA) at CRAG, funded by the Department of Climate Action and Rural Agenda (DACC).

During the day, attendees had the opportunity to participate in theoretical and practical sessions, which highlighted the development of new plant varieties adapted to agri-food challenges through genomics, as well as the identification and protection of plant varieties. The day included a practical demonstration of genomic techniques and a visit to the laboratories, greenhouses and scientific-technical services of the CRAG.

Marta Pujol, IRTA researcher at CRAG and head of the project, highlighted the importance of the application of genomics in agriculture, underlining how ‘this technology can accelerate the selection of new plant varieties, strengthen plant breeders’ rights and, in short, offer tools that allow us to promote innovation within the sector to face current and future challenges’.


With the celebration of this conference, GEMIPLANT now announces the fourth and final phase of the project: the publication of two illustrated and informative videos (entitled: Coneix el que menges I: La genòmica per la millora de varietats vegetals and Coneix el que menges II: La genòmica per la identificació de les varietats vegetals) that summarise the use and usefulness of genomics in plant varieties of agricultural interest. These audiovisual materials will serve as an educational and dissemination tool to continue the task of technology transfer initiated by the project, and will be published on the corresponding channels of IRTA and CRAG so that everyone has access to them.

GEMIPLANT has thus established a bridge between scientific research of excellence and agricultural practice, opening up new avenues of collaboration and knowledge that will undoubtedly be translated into scientific-technical transfer projects, and which will surely contribute to a more sustainable and productive future for the Catalan primary sector.

Activity financed by the operation 01.02.01 Transfer of Technology of the Rural Development Programme of Catalonia 2014-2022.