Postdoctoral Fellows
CRAG aims to contribute in the training of the future leaders in plant and agricultural sciences. Being aware of the critical importance of the postdoctoral training in shaping the professional career of the researchers, our goal is to provide postdocs with the training and support that they need to excel.
CRAG postdoctoral researchers, many of them from an international origin, are integrated into any one of the Research Groups at CRAG and work under the supervision and guidance of a CRAG Researcher. The postdoctoral researchers have access to CRAG's experimental research infrastructures, including the technical core units. Being CRAG a large multi-institutional and multi-disciplinary research centre, it provides a fruitful context for research, in which the postdoctoral researchers benefit from scientific discussion at the weekly group meetings, seminars with invited external speakers, and retreats, among others. Furthermore, CRAG encourages collaborative, multidisciplinary and intersectoral research projects, in conjunction with associated partner organizations (private companies, research centres and academic institutions), both national and international.
Postdoctoral researchers working at CRAG will find:
- Enthusiastic peers interested in modern, multidisciplinary plant and farm animal sciences, encompassing experimental, bioinformatic and theoretical approaches.
- Scientists who do cutting-edge research with advanced facilities.
- An enhanced training and support programme.
- A lively international scientific environment close to Barcelona.
How to join CRAG as a postdoctoral researcher
Young researchers interested in the areas of plant biology and biotechnology, and plant and farm animal genomics and genetics have different possibilities to join CRAG as postdoctoral researchers:
- By applying to our Agricultural Genomics Transversal Postdoctoral Programme (AGenT), a Marie Sklodowska-Curie COFUND programme partially funded by the European Comission and the Severo Ochoa programme.
- By applying to external grants from national and international agencies such as Marie Curie Actions, EMBO, Beatriu de Pinós (AGAUR), or Spanish Government, in coordination with one of our Research Groups.
- By applying for a project offered by one of our Research Groups
CRAG announces all the open postdoctoral positions at CRAG Jobs. In all cases, it is important that you inform yourself about the research that we do,to determine if your interests fit with our research areas and questions. Information about our Centre and Research Groups can be found if you explore the links in the navigation panel on upper part this page. Even if there are no postdoctoral positions on offer, you can inquire about possibilities through directly contacting a group leader of your choice.
Postdoctoral Training at CRAG
CRAG is committed to the training of plant and farm animal researchers at the forefront of their disciplines and to advance research in topics of high social impact and of importance for the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In this sense, CRAG research groups provide an optimal environment to develop the scientific and leadership skills encouraging postdoctoral researchers (i) to acquire leader roles in new grant applications and research; (ii) to co-supervise the training of new graduate students and collaborate in teaching activities; and (iii) to participate in dissemination of results at national and international meetings.
CRAG postdoctoral researchers have access to specific courses on research-related topics of relevance that are regularly offered at CRAG, either by the Centre ́s technical personnel or by external providers. As an example, the Molecular Data Analysis area of the Bioinformatics Unit at CRAG offers a Systems Biology and Bioinformatics Training Programme to provide the tools and help experimental researchers to analyze large datasets, among other questions. Additional training on transversal skills, such as Career Development or Scientific Writing Skills are also offered to CRAG postdoctoral researchers.